You probably utilise specialist expertise in most other areas of your life. Your private insurance requirements should be no different.
Allow Domus Private Clients to work with you to design a tailored program and gain access to insurance cover designed specifically for the discerning buyer. We work only with sector-leading insurers for prestige homes, luxury assets and contents.
At Domus Private Clients we:
- Access specialist insurers only available through AFS-licensed brokers who are dedicated to high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) or family groups.
- Thrive on providing exceptional service standards to our clients, delivered confidentially and professionally.
- Help you determine the right level of cover, review on a regular basis and portfolio-manage your assets.
- Provide holistic risk management advice in respect of your private assets and valuables.
- Provide immediate and attentive support to minimise the anguish you may experience in the event of a loss.
- Provide continuity of experienced service.
If you are not receiving this level of service and would like to find out more about our cover and services, please contact our office. Phone: (02) 8458 0214 or email: